Kamas Bible Church

About us
Kamas Bible Church started in the 1940's as a Bible study in Kamas, UT. This Bible study become a church holding worship services in 1954.
There have been several pastors over the years, each faithfully teaching the truth of the Bible. Our current pastor, Kirk Templeton, and his wife, Michelle, have served in the church since 2007. Kirk and Michelle prepared for ministry through four years of Bible and Ministry study at Frontier School of the Bible in LaGrange, Wyoming. Today, Kamas Bible Church is a healthy growing church full of life.
We are committed to the teaching of the Bible and its truth. Kamas Bible church is not a part of a denomination, but is totally independent, self-supported, and led by a combination of our pastor and board. We are incorporated as a religious, non-profit tax-exempt organization. All properties are owned by the church, not individuals or a denomination.
Kamas Bible Church is one of many other Bible churches around the country and in the State of Utah.