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Services - What to Expect

From the time you pull into the Kamas Bible Church parking lot to the time you walk out the door, you’ll find people that want to stay and fellowship long after the service is over. The music is a blend of contemporary and traditional that will help you experience the transforming power of grace and truth through Jesus Christ. Our messages are from the Word of God and are geared to help you grow in your relationship with Christ. We dress casually, and you’ll feel at home in a comfortable grace-based atmosphere of family and friends.
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Mid-Week Bible Studies and Meetings


Bible Studies are an important disciple-making ministry of the church. As such, they have proven their effectiveness by teaching biblical principles and godly living to people at every age and stage of life.


Our women's group meets at 10:30 am on Wednesday mornings. Our study in the books for 1 & 2 Peter will begin on December 4. All are welcome and you may join at any time.


Our men's group meets at 9:00 am on Friday mornings. We are studying the books written by Peter in the New Testament. It is open for men of all ages.


Sunday Worship Service


Our Sunday "Worship" has different components - worship in music, worship in giving, worship through ministry of the Word, worship in fellowship.


The Worship Service is a time for you to join in the worship of God in all the above areas along side other believers in Christ to give God what He desires more than anything else, our worship.


We offer a great Children's Church program during the Worship Service. Children's Church is for ages 3-11.


Worship Service begins at 10 a.m.


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Youth Ministries​

The Youth Group time is spent in a variety of ways - games, movie nights, activities, and a time of study from the Bible.

Grades 5-6 meet on Sunday evening at 5:00pm.

Grades 7 -12 meet on Sunday at 6:15pm.

All are welcome! 


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